Australia Street Infants School

Excellence in Early Childhood Education

Telephone02 9557 5377

Our staff

Meet our team. We're all here to help!

Our highly experienced, passionate and caring teachers are early childhood education specialists who know how to engage with and bring out the best in our young learners. We are committed to giving your child the best possible start to their schooling. We aim to make the early school years fun and exciting and to inspire your child to grow, learn and discover what they love. 

If you would like to speak with one of our team, please call us on 02 9557 5377 or email us at .

Australia Street Infants School Staff

2024 Staff List

Leadership Team

  • Joel Streltschenko - Relieving Principal
  • Maria Pyne - Assistant Principal | Learning Support Coordinator
  • Tavisha Ginige - Assistant Principal, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Winona Lukabyo - Relieving Assistant Principal

Kindergarten Teachers

  • Roxy Smith - Zebras
  • Erin Cowan - Llamas
  • Rena Lambos - Deer

Stage One Teachers

  • Michael Kristic - Year 1 Markhors
  • Sophie Watchirs-Smith - Year 1 Chitals
  • Winona Lukabyo - Year 2 Giraffes

Additional K-2 Teachers

  • Maria Pena - Library and STEM
  • Jo Combe - Learning Support
  • Margot Jaime - RFF and Learning Support


  • Kathryn Ferguson
  • Bridget Ralph
  • Anthony Anson
  • Alicia Morcom

Preschool and Lennox House Teachers

  • Georgia Kelly - Preschool Wilderbeests
  • Jemma O'Shea - Preschool Okapi
  • Kris Roberts - Lennox House

Preschool and Lennox House SLSOs

  • Cynthia Lau
  • Michelle Amey
  • Bridget Ralph

Office and Support Staff

  • Natasha Heyward - School Psychologist
  • Mandie Johnson - School Administrative Manager
  • Vicki Pavlidis - School Administrative Officer
  • Nis Chantanakom - School Administrative Officer
  • Mick Cullen - General Assistant